I got an email a few months back from a MK artist and former Time Killers player. He was goofing on me with "Time Killers 2?" and sent along this image. After I finished laughing I got to thinking of this little known fact.
I may be the only person to work as an engineer on a game called Time Killers and any of the MK series. (DA, Deception, and Armageddon)
I got involved toward the end of Time Killers with my assigned tasks consisting of AI design and programming the boss character, "Death" or as I like to call him "The Immortal". (I didn't make up the name, some testers started calling him that because he would say as a taunt "I am the Immortal", but I did laugh, so that counts for something)
This was totally different from my first MK project: Deadly Alliance, where I got involved toward the end with assigned tasks consisting of AI design and programming the boss character "Moloch". With Moloch another programmer and I used to kid that fighting him was "going toe-to-toe with the beast" (I think he actually thought of the tag line, but I did laugh, so that counts for something)
What comes around goes around.
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