This is the flagship product of Incredible Technologies, the company I now work for. A lot of folks worked a very long time to create and grow this title; gotta give them props.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Our family recently grabbed some dinner at Cosi in Naperville Il. We met another family for some pizza and chat.
They do the flat crispy pizza there. The atmosphere is warm, family friendly, and comfortable. The kids ate pizza and s'mores for dessert.
I will definitely stop in next time I am in town and want a quick bite.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Oatmeal, Chocolate Chip, and Pecan Cookies
Sunday, January 27, 2008

This book is a bit of departure from my regular fare; "1776" and "John Adams" by McCullough, "Founding Brothers" and "His Execellency: George Washington" by Joseph J. Ellis, "Alexander Hamilton" by Ron Chernow ... (the list goes on)
Anyway, being into U.S. history as I am, this book is chock-full of references to people I've heard of, and although I prefer my history aged, I can't help but be compelled.
An example is Greenspan mentions folks like Paul Volker over to Ayn Rand; Richard Nixon to Bill Clinton.
Check it out if you have a bit of time on your hands.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Nissan GT-R Skyline
A lot of folks are familiar with the Nissan Skyline from playing previous versions of Gran Turismo. Nissan has a cool tie in with the PS3 Gran Turismo version. We north american fans will see the GT-R (Skyline) in the PS3 version of Gran Turismo, which is corresponding to the car's release here in the states.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Swedish Cardamom Coffee Cake

Although the Swedish may not be known for their Baking prowess, shown above is an example of my wife's delicious Cardamom Coffee Cake. I enjoy it because it is not overly sweet and a bit bread like. The cardamom itself has a distinct and interesting flavor.
Our local bakery only has it around the holidays. Luckily for me Cheryl makes it any time of year.
iPhone equals fantastic

I just picked up an iPhone at the Apple Store yesterday. An old acquaintence described it as "the coolest piece of technology." I tend to agree.
I am very impressed. I feel as if the designers and engineers of this product use it themselves. Have you ever caught yourself saying "wouldn't it be great if..." These folks are not only asking these questions...They are answering them.
On another note...
Just to show what a small world it is, I ran into the guy who hired me at Midway some years back. He is the EVP of product development there and a really sharp guy.
I have a great deal of respect for a lot of folks at Midway. I expect 2008 to be their year.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Foam from Home Depot

Above is one of the sculptures in it's finished state.
Shown above is what it starts out like.

Chuck Says all you have to do is this. "Yeah the sculptures are made of pink foam bought at home depot. The deal is to make something huge and thick you have to glue the stuff together. I create most pieces in 3d then print out the slices on a plotter to use as templates. I made most of my own sculpting tools, thick wire hooked up to super high output soldering irons. "
Sounds easy, huh?

One thing I have always enjoyed about the business I am in is that you get to work with incredibly talented people who do really cool things as hobbies.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Street Fighter the Movie, The Inside Story

I have recently been working on a new coin-op game with Alan Noon, a designer/artist that I have worked with in the past.
He was heavily involved in Street Fighter The Movie Coin-op game in the early nineties.
He has a cautionary tale of some of the caveats facing video game makers in his blog post here.
Check it out.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Time Killers 2? (that's just silly)

I got an email a few months back from a MK artist and former Time Killers player. He was goofing on me with "Time Killers 2?" and sent along this image. After I finished laughing I got to thinking of this little known fact.
I may be the only person to work as an engineer on a game called Time Killers and any of the MK series. (DA, Deception, and Armageddon)
I got involved toward the end of Time Killers with my assigned tasks consisting of AI design and programming the boss character, "Death" or as I like to call him "The Immortal". (I didn't make up the name, some testers started calling him that because he would say as a taunt "I am the Immortal", but I did laugh, so that counts for something)
This was totally different from my first MK project: Deadly Alliance, where I got involved toward the end with assigned tasks consisting of AI design and programming the boss character "Moloch". With Moloch another programmer and I used to kid that fighting him was "going toe-to-toe with the beast" (I think he actually thought of the tag line, but I did laugh, so that counts for something)
What comes around goes around.
Burnout Paradise

Burnout Paradise is due to ship January 22nd. There have been some concerns that the new open style maps will not as fun as the more tightly tracked Burnout Revenge.
If anybody can pull it off it would be that team.
Check out more info:
I am looking forward to it, having unlocked everything in Burnout Revenge.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Cedar Plank Salmon
Lexus IS-F

Lexus is coming out with a high performance version of there IS line. It has some impressive performance numbers. It appears they are going after the BMW M3 buyers. The M3 is due for a redesign in '08 also, and will be coming in a coupe.
I saw the white version at the Lexus Drive Event in Arlington Heights, IL this past fall. Pretty cool!
Check out the Lexus IS-F site:
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Ribs via big green egg
I have a neighbor from the south that I use for advice about smoking. If you haven't used a kamado style cooker before, I highly recommend it. You can control the heat, keeping it at 250 degrees for smoking. I use mine for grilling steaks too. You can easily get 700 degrees with lump charcoal; nice for steak grilling.

Mortal Kombat Deception

wrap party. I was fortunate to be able to work on the last three MK
games, including the subsequent MK Armageddon. Deception was the most
difficult product to develop that I have ever been a part of, and one
of the most fulfilling. I lost a lot of sleep either fixing or worrying about fixing online issues.
It was particularly gratifying seeing the online portion of the game
work so well. We shipped supporting both PS2 and XBOX online. The game
handled latency quite elegantly.
Even thought I am not a part of it, I am looking forward playing the
next product in the series, due to ship this fall on next gen platforms.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Cool Artwork
Thursday, January 3, 2008
State Street Games Acquired by IT

Our little shop where we make video games was just acquired by some really sharp folks; who also happen to be the biggest and best in the business!
I have very high expectations. "The Future’s So Bright, I Gotta’ Wear Shades"
Some excerpts from the press release below:
Written by Incredible Technologies
Friday, 07 December 2007 Incredible Technologies Hires 7 New Employees
Company Also Acquires State Street Games As It Ramps Up for Growth Spurt
Company Also Acquires State Street Games As It Ramps Up for Growth Spurt
(Arlington Heights, IL – December 7, 2007) Don’t tell anyone at Incredible Technologies that business in the amusement industry is slow! ...
The company announced today that it has recently hired 7 new employees and acquired a game development studio to help get more products to market faster. “We’re expecting a strong period of growth during the next few years,” said President and CEO, Elaine Hodgson. “We’re very fortunate that such high-quality individuals have made themselves available to us. We’re very pleased to welcome them into the IT family.”
Hodgson was enthusiastic when she described the acquisition of State Street Games. “SSG will bring new blood and new ideas to IT,” she said. “We’re looking forward to great things from them.”
State Street Games (now called IT West due to the location of their offices in Chicago’s western suburbs) spokesperson, Jim Terdina, echoed Hodgson’s excitement. “IT’s resources and financial position will allow us to achieve goals and ambitions we could never attain on our own. They’re a big company but we feel very comfortable with them.”
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
X-Men Coulda,Woulda,Shoulda

Tim Coman and I pitched a game, a long time ago, to Marvel for an episodic X-Men game. Here is an exerpt from an old gamespot post. I really wanted to do this game; and yes that is my picture on the poster directly behind wolverine's head.
If I feel really inspired and the Illini are getting trounced by USC in today's Rose Bowl, maybe I'll see if I can get the build of the game to run.
Check out the blurb on this site if you like
Here are some relevent exerpts.
Original author credits:By Doug Trueman Designed By Katie Bush
Once upon a time, Marvel Comics had the notion that a PC game based on the X-Men might help the once-floundering company. GameSpot got in touch with Tim Coman, a developer on the title, and he wistfully told us how he had envisioned the PC title.
"We originally pitched the idea to Marvel Interactive a few years back. This was right at the time they were declaring bankruptcy. The idea as we pitched it would have included most of the mainstay characters: Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm, Colossus, Phoenix, Professor X, plus tons of hidden characters. The basic premise was that you'd be able to switch between characters. [For example, you'd meet] Sunfire and he'd join your group, not unlike a power-up. You'd then have the ability to switch to using him, complete a specific task, and then switch back. The view on the game was three-quarters down. We went with high-res prerendered characters moving over a continuous background. Our original idea was to base levels on the Claremont/Byrne run of the comics.
"We wanted to have each of the levels lead to the next, [like the series]. We might have started in the Savage Land where the player would meet up with Kazar then progress to Proteus, Murderworld, the White Queen Saga, ending with the Phoenix vs. Imperial Guard on the Moon. We thought it might be cool to have sublevels with subplots like the comic, like having Wolvie fight a bunch of Ninjas sent by his girlfriend's father, [but] Marvel was more interested in having just the Apocalypse storyline featured. Another idea we bounced back and forth was to have add-on packs of characters that you could plug into the game. [For example], if you wanted to buy Havok as a main character you could purchase just that character and load him in. We talked about being able to download him off the Internet as well. We had also talked about having continuing sagas, so you could buy the next saga instead of having the complete game come out all at once. [We thought of selling] the game in installments and having the option of buying the whole game after the whole series came out [like] the trade paperback model of releasing comics. We spent some amount of time on the engine [and eventually] we had Wolverine and Storm moving around. We included the Brood as enemies you could fight against. These were at a rough stage of development but possibly of interest to fans of X-Men."
It's a shame this title never made it past the development stage, but with Marvel having some financial difficulties at this time, it doesn't come as much of a surprise. Maybe in the future. Below are some shots of the game in its early development stages, taken before the ax fell.
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