wrap party. I was fortunate to be able to work on the last three MK
games, including the subsequent MK Armageddon. Deception was the most
difficult product to develop that I have ever been a part of, and one
of the most fulfilling. I lost a lot of sleep either fixing or worrying about fixing online issues.
It was particularly gratifying seeing the online portion of the game
work so well. We shipped supporting both PS2 and XBOX online. The game
handled latency quite elegantly.
Even thought I am not a part of it, I am looking forward playing the
next product in the series, due to ship this fall on next gen platforms.
Is this new game going to be better than Robotron 2084? Looks like it will be, but you're the expert on that. Can't wait to load it onto my PS2. Are you distributing any free copies?
I don't know if their next game will work on ps2.
Time to upgrade to xbox360 or ps3!
I have played the original Robotron, and Defender. Those are both Eugene Jarvis games while at Midway. He's sort of a legend in our business.
He has been our west suburban office and gave comments on a product we were working on this past year. Quite an honor for me.
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